

April 24, 2023 

Currently, Camelot Forest has several job positions available. We are looking for people who are self-motivated and able to take the lead. All positions listed include holidays and weekends plus we offer an excellent pay base with the ability to expand and grow. 

Lifeguards: Requirements, must be certified. Camelot will reimburse you for your certification once you complete the season. Hours are 11:00 a.m. – 6:00 p.m. The lifeguard’s main function is to be aware of all people swimming and playing at the lake and be able to provide life-saving assistance if necessary. Also, stop any behavior or activity that could be considered a potential danger to anyone.

Amenities Badge Inspector: Requirements, must be 18 years of age. This job requires a mature quality as you will need to verify addresses, talk with homeowners, their family and friends along with rental property quests. You must be respectful and have good interactions with people. You will be working closely with the lifeguard and Board members as well.

Maintenance Person: Requirements, must be able to work on your own and think outside the box. For the most part, this is light-duty work and would consist of 15-20 hours a week. Some of the duties but not limited to include cleaning up the dumpster and recycling area, picking up trash along the main roads, emptying trash cans at both lakes and clean the office.  In the winter some light snow shoveling is required. You will be working with the Facilities Director and /or the Board.


This is a nice family-oriented community and is a fantastic place to live and work. If you or anyone you know are interested in any of these positions please contact the office 570-646-0813 or email us at


Thank you,

Camelot Forest Board of Directors


President, Rob Knotts -Vice President, Jim Smyth – Treasurer, Patricia Gleason,

Recreational Director, Ricky Cortez – Community Liaison, Dave Rzaca