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Approved: 08/27/02
Dam ownership by Camelot Forest Conservation Association, Inc., carries with it significant legal responsibilities. In order to assure that owners meet their responsibility to maintain their dams in a reasonable and safe condition, Pennsylvania’s Department of Environmental Protection requires a dam owner to conduct regular inspections of their dams and to correct deficient items uncovered in such inspections.
[The first known inspection of Camelot Forest's dams at Lake Kathryn and Lake Guenevere was conducted at the request of the Camelot Forest Conservation Association, Inc.'s Board of Directors on February 20, 2002, by the Pennsylvania Department of Environmental Protection, Office of Water Management, Bureau of Waterways Engineering, Division of Dam Safety. The dams were classified as low hazard, C-3 dams solely from visual observations at the sites. A more detailed analysis could prove the dams to be other than a C-3 classification. Overall, both dams appeared to be in good condition. The inspection of the dams resulted in a number of findings that needed to be corrected and a recommendation was made that the Association become compliant with Chapter 105 Regulations, which require dam owners to inspect their dams once every three months. (Ref. "Dam Inspection Report" by Michael A. Sames, February 20, 2002.)]
The Facilities Director, Recreation Director, and any other volunteers will conduct inspections during the months of January, April, July and October of each year.
The Directors will utilize the Dam Inspection Checklist provided by the Department of Environmental Protection, Division of Dam Safety (Attachment #1) for inspections and maintenance.
The Facilities Director, who is chairman of the Dam Inspection Committee, will report at the next monthly meeting following their inspection. The Board of Directors will act on the report and direct the Facilities Director or his agent to take corrective actions to remedy or correct any deficient items found during the inspection in order to become compliant.
The Directors will share their findings and recommendations with the general membership annually.
The Dam Inspection Checklist Report will be available in the office for membership inspection during normal operating hours.
A permanent file will be maintained in the Association's office for such inspection reports, both professional and otherwise.
Beginning in the year 2002 and at a maximum span of every five (5) years thereafter, a Registered Professional Engineer will conduct an inspection of the dams at Lake Kathryn and Lake Guenevere, utilizing the Dam Inspection Checklist from the Pennsylvania Department of Environmental Protection, Division of Dam Safety (Attachment #1).