Member Information
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No. 020802
Approved: 08/27/02
Updated & Reviewed: 04/04/22
To ensure the collection of dues in order to maintain the cash flow necessary to meet Association expenses. To provide a standard practice for the collection of Association dues that would treat all members in a consistent and fair manner. To provide a procedure for collection of delinquent dues.
1. December 20 – The Office will mail annual Association dues invoices with a billing date of January 1.
2. February 28 – Payment in full is due.
3. March 5 – A 10% Late Fee will be assessed and monthly statements for delinquent dues will be mailed.
4. April 1 – When the dues date passes without payment, a Statement with late fee and finance charges will be sent. Finance charges will continue to accrue until the debt is paid in full. If applicable, the payment will be applied to the oldest debt first.
5. May 1 – A Letter of Notification will be sent via certified and regular mail if payment is not received by this date. The account will no longer be a Member in Good Standing. A suspension of rights and privileges will be in effect until the member either enters into a Payment Agreement Plan or pays the debt in full. Suspended privileges include, but are not limited to, the following: Trash Dumpster (Compactor), Clubhouse, Beaches and Lakes, Picnic Areas, Tennis Courts, and Bulk Trash Dumpster.
6. June through December – Monthly statements will be mailed, with all activity and updated finance charges expressed. Included in the statement will be a notice of member status (i.e., Not in Good Standing), and a warning about the results of not paying dues for the current year (i.e., Litigation Process).
7. January – A special letter will be included in all delinquent accounts, informing each party that if past dues and now current dues are not paid by February 28 or arrangements are not made to enter into a Payment Agreement Plan, the account will be turned over to the Association’s attorney who will file judgment in Civil Court (see attached Letter).
8. March 1 – All delinquent accounts in arrears for two-years dues will be turned over to the Association’s attorney or agent who will file charges in Civil Court and proceed with the lien process (Liens are effective for 3 years.). A letter will be sent to the party involved, informing them of such action (see Attachment). If payment is not received before the lien expires, the account will be forwarded to Sheriff’s Sale.
9. All accounts in arrears will be billed according to this policy’s procedures during the next year. Every effort will be made to contact the party(s) to collect and to remind them of the consequences should the account remain unpaid. A contact history will be documented.
10. January – A special letter will be sent to all accounts that have had liens placed on them for two years, now informing them of the Association’s intent of having the Association’s attorney or agent proceed to Sheriff’s Sale in order to collect the dues that now are outstanding for 3 years. Such accounts will have until February 28 to pay the invoice amount or enter into a Payment Agreement Plan. Should the member enter into a Payment Agreement Plan and default in payment, the Association will proceed with the Sheriff’s Sale.
11. If the dues are not paid for the third year (by February 28), a new lien will be filed. A letter will be sent on March 1 to the party(s), informing them of such action.
12. March 1 – The Association will proceed with a Sheriff’s Sale. A special letter will be sent via certified and regular mail, informing the member of such action. A paper history of the account will be forwarded to the Association’s attorney with instruction to proceed to sale.
13. Camelot Forest Conservation Association, Inc., reserves the right to bid on the property, with members’ approval, since the amount may exceed Bylaw authority.
14. Special Note: If a member has outstanding dues and it comes to the attention of the Board of Directors that the property is for sale, a civil complaint will be filed for any outstanding dues and finance charges. If they are not paid, the lien process will be instituted immediately.
Approved by the CFCA Board of Directors on this 4th day of April 2022