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Approved: 08/23/05



To protect the natural beauty of Camelot Forest

To protect property values in the community

To maintain the forested, rural characteristics of the community

To define Deed Restriction No. # 5

To minimize any distraction to the natural setting


  1. For the purpose of this policy, a fence is hereby defined as a structure serving as an enclosure, barrier or boundary, usually made of post, boards, wire, plastic, stone or rails.

  2. Fences, walls, enclosures and/or barriers that impact adversely on the community, residential properties and common ground will not be permitted except as those exempted in this policy.

  3. The Board of Directors shall be responsible for the regulation of this policy.

  4. When a clearly demonstrated need is proven, the Board of Directors will allow for a permit to be issued for a fence, wall, enclosure, barrier.

  5. The following type fences etc. are exempt from this policy and do not require a permit.

    1. Enclosures which are used to keep deer away from landscape plantings that are made of safe, flexible plastic or wire mesh or other similar materials and that are colored so as to blend in with the natural landscaping. Such fences can not enclose the property or prevent/restrict freedom of movement.

    2. The fence enclosing the tennis courts at Lake Kathryn

    3. The fence enclosing the Sewage Pump located on Lady Jennifer Court

    4. Fences required by Tobyhanna Township ordinances.

  6. No fence, other than those exempted, shall be erected without a permit and a copy of the site plan for the fence.

  7. The site plan must include the following: location of fence in relation to the boundaries of the lot, references to any other fence and the home, details of fence design, type materials, dimensions and the existence of any right of ways or easements.

  8. No fence etc. shall be erected which is:

  9. of solid construction,

  10. obstructs air or light,

  11. obstructs observers line of sight from either side,

  12. has slats greater than 6 inches,

  13. chain link,

  14. located on an easement

  15. parallel to a road,

  16. higher than 4 feet,

  17. higher than 3 feet if of stone,

  18. of stone, block or brick using mortar and cement,

  19. electrified, barbed wire or pointed,

  20. dangerous,

  21. located in the front of the home,

  22. any color other than earth tone (green, gray, brown)

  23. Enclosures or plantings around propane gas tanks are encouraged, provided they meet safety standards.